Whether you’re a long-time reader or you’ve recently started perusing these articles, you’ve probably grumbled at least once…
“Hold on a second… David built his practice by layering chocolate references and obscure puns on top of illustrations my seven year-old could draw? Some of those line drawings don’t even make sense!”
Well, now’s your chance to show off your wit, charm, humor, punniness, knowledge of obscure chocolate trivia and all-around consulting awesomeness.
In what has become an annual tradition, I post an illustration while I’m on my May vacation and ask readers to pen the caption. Last year, dozens of you contributed excellent entries.
I bet this year you can do even better.
Add some text to the drawing below. What (if anything) are the characters saying? Does the illustration have a title? Maybe it’s about consulting… but then again, maybe not. Let me (and your fellow readers) know in the comments below.

If you didn’t contribute a caption last year, definitely write something in this year’s contest. It doesn’t have to be the funniest. Just give it a go.
Text and images are © 2025 David A. Fields, all rights reserved.
Like most projects–a lot of motion with little progress.
Good one, Jay! Very funny. Thanks for kicking off the entries this year.
“The assessment phase is complete–our consulting firm can DEFINITELY help your company cover more ground!”
Well done, Doc. Very clever!
Leader/client in green” We need you train them all now!
Me: Would you like fries with that?”
Me, on cycle: Marketing is ready for launch!
Product leader: We changed the product.
That was very funny, Bill. Took me by surprise. Well done.
Consultant says to client: “you’re getting nowhere fast!”
Perfect caption, Kris! Thanks for joining the fun.
“I feel like I’m going nowhere.”
“It’s because of your triple-constraint mindset and your mental block.”
Nice one, Christian. “Triple-constraint mindset” is so you. That made me laugh. I’m glad you added your humor, Christian!