A consultant asked me the following question:
You talk a lot about speaking and writing as ways to become more visible to your clients. Are those the only ways? Are there any other effective ways to become visible if I’m not a great writer or speaker?
Here’s the answer I gave the consultant:
There are Five Marketing Musts for consultants who want to build their visibility.
And we all want to, right?
They are: Networking, Speaking, Writing, Trade Association Participation and Digital Presence.
In your specific situation, you can get by without Speaking or Writing if you knock it out of the park in the other three marketing musts.
It’s hard to fake speaking, but it’s easy (and efficient) to “fake” writing. Droves of ghostwriters are available to pen everything from forum responses to white papers to books. If writing’s not your forte, you’ll want some assistance creating content to improve your digital presence.
Each of the five marketing musts is explored in detail in The Irresistible Consultant’s Guide to Winning Clients, as are other critical concepts if you want to generate more impact (“Fish Where the Fish Are”), leverage relationships, become the obvious choice, and close more projects.
Text and images are © 2025 David A. Fields, all rights reserved.